Campbelltown Community Park is NAKED!!
Our Community Park in Campbelltown, located between Lawn Rd and the Campbelltown Volunteer Fire Company, is currently a blank canvas. It has so many possibilities!! It could have a nice pavilion for families to picnic, a playground for the kiddos to play on, basketball courts, dog amenities, a flagpole, tennis courts, bocci ball, and much more.
All of these would be awesome, and it does not have to be just a dream. In fact, South Londonderry Township already has 2 grants for this park. They have one for $7,500 and one for $7,000 from Lebanon County. These are part of the Marcellus Shale Grants. All we need to do is match these funds and we can start building. Basically, we are halfway there!!
CCA has been brainstorming how we can help come up with the funds to match these grants, so our residents and visitors have a great park they can use and enjoy. We raised about $1000.00 at our Annual Holiday Tree Lighting Event. This is a great start but still a long way from meeting our goal of $14,500. So, with all this said we need your help. Please consider donating to this dream and help us make it a reality. We can reach our goal faster than you think if we all chip in!!
Let’s put some clothes on this park… or at least a playground or a pavilion.