November 2020

CCA friends/members just planted about 400 bulbs in the roundabout on Forge Road. Thank you Dutch Mill Bulbs and Popko family!! I can’t wait to see these pop up in the spring!!
October 2020
Thank you to all of the roundabout sponsors and supporters, especially the volunteers who put in countless hours of work and continue to water and weed it weekly. Enjoy this video, it’s exciting to see how the roundabout has transformed and we couldn’t have done it without the support of our community!
September 2020

CCA was busy today adding more Sedges to the landscape!

Exciting day at the Roundabout with a new sign! Check it out!

Happy Labor Day! CCA wants to give a shout out to the person who placed the flags in the roundabout! THANK YOU for giving back to your community and Country! You make Campbelltown very proud!

June 2020
Check out this LebTown article about the Campbelltown roundabout project.
May 2020

The Roundabout Project Moves ahead with the ground prepared after 5 days of rototilling and raking, mulch came next thanks to Good’s Tree and Lawn Care, https://goodstreecare.com/. Good’s significant contribution was their delivery of a huge mound of wood chips at 4 PM on Thursday. An hour later, the CCA crew of 5 dug into the mound and spread the wood chips throughout the roundabout until the mound was gone. Impressive! Next, Planting!