CCA would like to thank all of the people who made the “Voices of Campbelltown” documentary come to life. You did an amazing job. We know it was not easy especially since this was started before the pandemic and put on hold for a year. The students persevered and finished the documentary. Thank you so much for not giving up. CCA appreciates it and so does the Village of Campbelltown.

Click on the image below to see the completed documentary!

The Village of Campbelltown’s history travels back to 1759 when the founder John Campbell purchased the land. The Village location brought success as it became a way station between Harrisburg and Philadelphia. A turnpike was constructed and referred to locally as the “Horseshoe Pike”. The Rising Sun was established. Shops serviced the villagers, many bordering family farms and beyond. The Brandt and Dissinger stores were gathering places. Fortunately, there are present and former residents of Campbelltown who have many memories of the 20th century when the Village was a close-knit community. Videoing their remembrances became a goal of CCA.

Palmyra Area High School Broadcast Journalism students and their teacher volunteered to take on this project. The first interviews conducted by the students were hosted by the Londonderry Inn Bed and Breakfast which was a 19th-century mercantile store and home of the Brunner family. The students also interviewed other key members of the community and historians who have researched Campbelltown’s history. COVID-19 has delayed completion of Voices of Campbelltown: A Glimpse into the Past” and the presentation to be held at the auditorium once used by the school and community for events had to be postponed until later this year.