*Oct. 22 update: Thank you to everyone who contacted us about volunteering. We now have enough volunteers.
The township and CCA both worked hard to obtain grants for the playground which means we can build a complete playground without doing this project in phases. This will take a lot of hands to complete, so we need your help. All help is greatly appreciated. We will have a professional from the playground company there to guide us, so you do not have to come with experience. This will be a great way to give back and to meet some other members from the community. Email us at campbelltowncommunityalliance@gmail.com with any questions or to let us know you’re coming.

Playground Preview
We have been in touch with a playground company and, with the township, picked out an AMAZING playground that will be great for all ages. Check out the renderings below for an idea of how the completed project will look.

The playground will include:
1. toddler jungle gym (ages 2-5) including a slide, ladder, small foot bridge, small rock climbing wall
2. jungle gym (ages 5-12) including 3 slides, monkey bars, rock climbing wall, and foot bridge
3. Cozy Cocoon
4. swing set including 2 swings, a toddler swing, and an Accessible swing
5. a live wire zip line (ages 5-12)
6. 4 benches
7. 1 buddy bench
8. outdoor xylophone and songbook